Christopher Columbus and Thomas George the Prince
פרויקט סיום
בפרויקט סיום אני הייתי צריך לבחור בין חמישה לשבעה מקומות (בסוף עשיתי על חמישה כי שניים נמחקו) בירושלים ולכתוב על כל אחד מהם חמישה משפטים אני בחרתי האת יד ושם, מוזאון ישראל, נקבת השילוח, מגדל דוד, הרי ירושלים וגן החיות התנ”כי. בסוף הייתי צריך להציג את המצג בפני הכיתה. אני נהנתי. לעבוד על הפרויקט ואני מרגיש שלמדתי הרבה על כל המקומות האלה
Social studies blog post
What were you asked to do?
In the project each group studied a nation of indigenous people. We learned about the Blackfoot people. There were five students in my group including me. We researched this as part of social studies classes. Everyone had to learn about two things the Blackfoot did. And after that we put what we learned into a presentation. And we did part of the presentation in French. Everyone read their part and designed their slide in the presentation. At the end we answered the other students’ questions. I think it was very interesting to learn about the Blackfoot and their customs.
Why do you believe learning more about various Indigenous communities is important?
In my opinion it is important and interesting to learn about different indigenous communities and their culture, traditions and way of life. It is very interesting to hear about how the culture and customs change in different regions. It is important to learn and recognize the injustice done to them in the past so that this injustice does not happen again. It is disrespectful to treat all the natives as one group because their culture and tradition varies greatly from place to place.
What makes your Indigenous community unique/diverse?
There are several things that set members of the Blackfoot community apart
1 Blackfoot are animists, meaning they believe in the sacredness and spirituality of all life forms and natural phenomena.
2 Sacred stories about creation and the relationship between man and nature were passed down orally from generation to generation.
3 Important rituals such as the Sun Dance are a central part of their spiritual life.
Provide a minimum of 10 new facts you learned about your Indigenous community
I learned a lot of new things about blackfoot, here are 10 of them:
1 I learned that they traded with the Europeans.
2 I learned that there are three tribes of them.
3 that they relied on bison hunting to survive.
4 I learned that they had a very rich culture.
5 I learned that they liked to tell jokes.
6 I learned that they used 185 plants.
7 I learned that they were vagabonds.
8 I learned that their language is called Blackfoot
9 I learned that the Blackfoot were known as fierce warriors with a strong system of alliances. They managed to hold back the westward spread of European settlers for a while.
10 I learned that the Blackfoot experienced severe changes in their traditional way of life when European and American settlers nearly wiped out the bison herds.
What else would you like to learn about Indigenous communities?
I would like to learn the language of the indigenous communities.
Blog post in Jewish studies
At the age of bar or bat mitzvah, the lives of Jewish boys and girls change because they must observe the mitzvah and they tend to take more responsibility for their actions. The tallit and tefillin mark the transition from childhood to religious maturity, and they remind us to observe the mitzvot. I have been interested in the method of using a snail to produce blue dye for a long time. My question is there a difference between Canada and Israel in the tradition of putting on the tefillin?
In this blog I will explain about the Electricity Day project
When we started I thought it was going to be bad and we would just do something boring but then I saw that I actually enjoy working with electricity and it's cool. After I presented my project to the parents and saw that they were enthusiastic, I felt that I had a chance to get a good grade. I felt that I presented it well and that made me happy. Next time I would put a better place for the batteries so that it would be easier to take them out and put them in and I would also use stronger motors.
Canadian Identity Blog Post
What I learned in social studies this trimester is why diversity is important. In addition, we learned about Canadian symbols and international organizations that help solve global problems.
Canada is diverse because of the different landscapes, the types of people, and also because of the territories and provinces. Each province has its own customs and traditions.
When I think about Canada, the symbols that come to mind are the Canadian flag and maple leaf.
I created a project about the medicine wheel. I learned that each of the four directions of the medicine wheel represents something. East represents fire, North represents air, South represents water and West represents the world. In addition, I learned that it came from the Canadian natives and I also learned that it has 4 colors.
my symbol is the by maayan.zur
We also learned about international organizations. These organizations are important because they promote democratic values and are committed to the peaceful resolution of disputes. Our group researched NATO. NATO safeguards the security and freedom of all its members.
NATO by liam.vinograd
ביקור בישראל
1 אני רוצה לבקר בארץ בגלל שהמשפחה והחברים שלי שם ואני מאוד מתגעגע אליהם
2 ישראל בשבילי זה הבית והמולדת
3 אתמול דיברנו על מה זה ישראל בשבילנו אני חושב שזה היה מאוד חשוב ומעניין לראות מה כל אחד מרגיש כלפי ישראל. אני נהנתי לשמוע מה כל אחד מרגיש וחושב על ישראל
פוסט בבלוג על מה עשיתי בשבת
.בשבת האחרונה לא יכולתי לצאת החוצה ולטייל בגלל שאבא שלי בארץ וגם היה גשום אז הייתי בבית קראתי ספר שקוראים לו רומח הדרקון זה ספר פנטזיה. מה שקורה בספר זה שיש שני תאומים אחד מהם הוא קוסם חזק ואחד מהם הוא לוחם. התאום הקוסם הוא רשע והתאום הלוחם הוא טוב. התאום הרע רוצה לחזור בזמן וללמוד ממישהו שכמעט הצליח להפוך לאל אבל האח התאום שלו צריך לעצור אותו. אז האח הטוב חוזר בזמן יחד עם שני אנשים ומנסה לעצור את התאום הרשע אבל אחת מהשניים שחוזרת איתו בזמן מאוהבת בתאום הרשע
My SMART Goals
- l want to be better in English. By the end of the year I will speak English fluently. I also will work on my spelling. In order to achieve my goal I will not be scared to make mistakes. I will try to speak to my friends in English in class. If I don’t understand something, I will ask more for help. I will also read 2 pages of my English book at home every night during the week.